General NewsLitigation

“An Outright Lie” says equestrian centre owner

By February 16, 2024 No Comments
Equestrian centre

Jean Duggan, who runs an equestrian centre, has strongly denied claims made by businessman and horse enthusiast Conor Clarkson and his colleague Paul Wrynn. They suggested she agreed to extend a right of way near her home and equestrian centre to help develop some land Mr. Clarkson was selling. Jean insists she’s never crossed paths with either Mr. Clarkson or Mr. Wrynn, who are currently facing trial over accusations of faking the documents in question.

The story goes that Jean supposedly signed these important papers in a solicitor’s office in Dublin and at a hotel in Enniskerry back in 2014. These documents were quite significant as they would allow for the laneway near Jean’s home to be broadened, along with other changes like adding traffic calming features and drainage systems. This expansion was particularly crucial as it was linked to a potential housing project that could be worth a hefty sum.

However, the plot thickened when Jean’s son, Tim, stumbled upon this suspected forgery four years later under quite unexpected circumstances. This revelation was quite a shock to them, to say the least.

During the trial, it was suggested that Jean might have signed the documents during a meeting at a hotel, witnessed by Mr. Wrynn, but Jean dismissed this as completely false. She was quite clear about not having met the men involved or having signed any such documents, whether in Dublin or anywhere else.

The case is still unfolding, with both Mr. Clarkson and Mr. Wrynn pleading not guilty to the charges against them.

The trial has certainly caught the attention of the local community, with everyone eager to see how this tale of disputed documents and denied meetings will conclude.

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